Mr. Mine Wiki

Your Stats can be accessed by clicking on the Depth indicator (top right), or through Settings, "Stats" tab. Your stats are:

Above the fold
Below the fold (scroll down)
  • Current game version: Self-explanatory.
  • Total minerals mined: This is the number of individual minerals, not its value.
  • Total Basic Chests and Gold Chests opened: This is mostly for progress/bragging rights.
  • Highest Level Scientist Ever: Self-explanatory.
Quest tracking

These stats can be used at the beginning of the game to track the associated quests, but after some time are only for tracking progress/bragging rights.

  • Scientists buried: This also drives home the expendability of scientists.
  • Monsters killed
  • Minerals sacrificed: To The Core.
  • Total Trades Done: On any Trading post
  • Total Time Lapsed
Session progress
  • Total Time Lapsed This Session
  • Total Money Earned This Session
  • Value of Minerals Mined This Session
  • Value of Minerals Sold This Session
  • Total Money Collected From Chests This Session

This section allows you to gauge your different streams of income, in order to optimize your relics layout. For example, at first your "value of minerals mined" and "value of minerals sold" will approximate. But after a while, they will diverge sharply. Meaning the Potion of Mining Speed loses efficiency. Also, if your Minerals Sold is like 67% of your Total Money, your Golden Shovels are applying only to the first part. The lower this number, the more useful are Pay Cuts and Shiny Distractions relative to Golden Shovels, and vice versa. Same for Money from chests and Gold Nugget, relative to Golden Shovel. Also, keep in mind that money from scientists, monsters, caves and trades is NOT shown in these stats, and can be substantial (about 20% of total income after the moon, and possibly earlier).
