Mr. Mine Wiki
Chest Collector

The Chest Collector is a milestone found at 100KM between 9th and 10th miner. It look like a pile of boxes and you just click on it to acquire the structure. It works both during online and offline progress. A certain % of the chests that spawn on your mine will be collected and stored, up to a limit. These chests are not subject to timers, i.e. won't disappear until you collect them.

You can upgrade the storage and chance of Chest Collector from Craft Center up to level 10.

You can collect chests from Collector by Shortcuts shift+click.


Historical notes
  • This feature was added to Mr. Mine released at 4th June 2021
  • Initially the chest collector didn't store the type of chest collected, only the number of chests in it and it rolls the type when you collect them. So there was a chance your gold chest could be deleted, but also a chance all your basic chest rolls get a second chance to be a golden chest.
  • As for the update of 17/12/21 the chest collector now stores both types of chest, basic and gold.
Chest Collector Chance
Level Chance (%) Upgrade Cost
1 5 1 Building Material
2 10 10 Building Materials, 15K Red Diamond
3 15 20 Building Materials, 20K Blue Obsidian, 200 Polonium2
4 20 50 Building Materials, 5M Californium, 150 Polonium3
5 25 100 Building Materials, 5M Californium, 5k Oil
6 30 250 Building Materials, 1M Californium, 500 Polonium3
7 35 500 Building Materials, 10M Carbon, 10K Nitrogen1
8 40 750 Building Materials, 25M Promethium, 25 Fermium1
9 45 1000 Building Materials, 1M Neodymium, 10 Fermium2
10 50 1500 Building Materials, 1M Ytterbium, 5 Fermium3
Chest Collector Capacity
Level Capacity Upgrade Cost
1 10 1 Building Material
2 25 5 Building Materials, 15K Red Diamond
3 50 20 Building Materials, 20K Blue Obsidian, 200 Polonium2
4 75 80 Building Materials, 5M Californium, 150 Polonium3
5 100 125 Building Materials, 5M Californium, 5k Oil
6 120 200 Building Materials, 10M Californium, 75 Polonium3
7 140 300 Building Materials, 10M Carbon, 10K Nitrogen1
8 160 500 Building Materials, 50M Titanium, 500 Einsteinium1 , 50 Einsteinium2
9 180 750 Building Materials, 1M Neodymium, 100 Einsteinium3
10 200 1000 Building Materials, 1M Ytterbium, 200 Einsteinium3
upgrade table
levels needed

(collector storage+chance)

1-3 Collector1
4-5 Collector2
6-7 Collector3
8-9 Collector4
10+ Collector5

Both chance and storage tables were updated to 0.27
